Demo Topic


Main Supplements

With exception of post workout meals and cheat days. You can start eating carbs regularly again after this phase.

Don’t drink the Health Vision smoothie on non-workout days because the sugar content can feed candida and parasites. Instead do a whole food protein based meal like 4 scrambled eggs, with a side of broccoli and side of avocado.

Another sample meal would be 11oz of grilled chicken, one cup of sautéed broccoli and one cup of steamed cauliflower.

To make this protocol effective, you should avoid cheese, milk, pork, gluten, grains, fruit, sugar, processed foods and other carbohydrates. Ideally eat an all organic diet.

Ideally, you’d also stay off drinking alcohol for 50 days, but if you must do so, please keep it small or moderate amounts. The protocol will still work even if you drink, it’s more effective if you don’t. But the more alcohol you drink, the slower and less effective this protocol will be. Since alcohol is a toxin

If you are vegan, keep eating the legumes you need them for daily protein intake. In this case, you should have at least 3/4th of a cup to a cup of legumes per meal.

You can also drink a second Health Vision Smoothie to meet your daily Protein requirements.

Do not add the berries to your second shake. Because it can feed candida and/or parasites. Organic Pure Pea Protein powder and Collagen is okay, but no whey protein powders unless it’s post workout.

To eliminate candida and parasites, oregano oil and colloidal silver are key elements. These are the most powerful antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal supplements I’ve found. So besides candida, these will take care of other hidden creatures inside the body like most pathogens, bad bacteria and viruses.


You’ll use them for the next 50 days in the following manner:


Oregano Oil Capsules by Designs for Health:

Take 1 capsule 3x a day


Colloidal Silver by Sovereign Silver:

Take 1 tsp 3x per day and work up your dosage to 3tsp 3x per day.

(The speed at which you do this varies per individual because of detox symptoms)


On day 21 of the candida and parasite cleanse.


Add the supplement GI Microb X by Designs for Health.

Take for the next 30 days, 1 pill 3x a day ideally with food.


After the 50 day parasite and candida cleanse, the heavy metal cleanse begins (Phase 3).


At this moment you stop taking the oregano oil, colloidal silver, and GI Microb X supplements. Keep taking the rest of the supplements in the program as they support the body nutritionally in numerous beneficial processes.



At this moment you stop taking the oregano oil, colloidal silver, and GI Microb X supplements. Keep taking the rest of the supplements in the program as they support the body nutritionally in numerous beneficial processes.